In GraphQL every property needs a resolver. The resolver is the piece of system logic, required to resolve the response graph. Operations, Extension Properties and Union Properties accept resolver, which allows schema creator to configure schema behaviour.
Resolver clause accepts kotlin function and returns its DSL item, which is entry point for additional customization of resolver
query("item") {
resolver { -> Item(id, "Item Name") }
closure exposes single method arg
arg { }
exposes possibility to customize argument default value. Default value is automatically used if query doesn't
provide any. it is matched by argument name.
KGraphQL.schema {
query("data") {
resolver { int: Int, string: String? -> int }.withArgs {
arg<Int> { name = "int"; defaultValue = 33 }
To get access to the context object, you can just request for the Context
object within your resolver.
When providing Context
as an argument for your resolver, it will be skipped and not published to your API, but
KGraphQL will make sure to provide it to the resolver, so you can use it like the following example:
query("hello") {
resolver { country: String, ctx: Context ->
val user = ctx.get<User>()
Hello(label = "Hello ${user?.name ?: "unknown"}")
Then in your query execution process you will provide a Context
like shown here:
val query = """
query fetchHelloLabel($country: String!) {
hello(country: $country) {
val variables = """
{"country": "English"}
val user = User(id = 1, name = "Username")
val ctx = context {
schema.execute(query, variables, ctx)